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The gong is a sacred and ancestral instrument for healing, rejuvenation and transformation. In Kundalini yoga we do not regard it is a musical instrument; for us it is one of the most sublime tools a Yogi can use. In this book you will learn key aspects to play some Gong meditations and enhance their therapeutic effect.
In this book you will find directions to play in class the following meditations:
Meditation to define your own Nobility
Meditation for a clear mind
Meditation to fight fear
Gong meditation for ecstasy (Sada Sat Kaur, France, August 2014)
Meditation to rejuvenate the parasympathetic nervous system
Gong meditation to be happy during crises (Sada Sat Kaur, France, August 2015)
The Gong and Nervous System Regeneration
Kirtan kriya with gong
Gong meditation to heal addictions
Gong meditation: Adi Shakti mantra
Gong meditation to receive the healing sound of infinity
The Gong and Projection into Sach Khand
Gong and Sat Kriya
Gong Meditation to enter Shunya