DAY 8: Solfeggio Frequency 741HZ

Intuition + Spirituality + Fight Viruses

The audio that we will use for today’s exercise is something particular…

Gong Experience Vikrampal

One morning I decided to playthe Gong in the garden at 05:00 am and here is the evidence of what happened…

Little by little the birds began to sing with the frequencies of the Gong. From minute 11:11 onwards the integration between the Gong and the birds became greater and greater.

The recording incorporates the Solfeggio frequency 741 Hz in the background. This frequency facilitates the expansion of consciousness, enhances our intuition and helps fight viruses.

Immerse yourself fully in this journey, if you let yourself go it will be incredible.


🔉 The volume does not need to be very high.

💧Drink water before and after listening to each video (one to two litres).

🌳 If you can, take a 15 to 20 minute walk through a park or in nature.

🚫 Do not mix everyday audio with other sounds, or listen to it while driving or doing any other activity that involves the use of machines.

💆🏻‍♀️ Relax while contemplating the image or if you prefer, close your eyes and connect with the intention of each day’s video.

✨ Lie down and let yourself be carried away by the magic of the Gong. Enjoy the trip!

LAST DAY! Tomorrow, the last available frequency:

DAY 9: Solfeggio Frequency 852Hz

🕉️ Om mantra meditation 🕉️

A while ago I had a vision.

The vision was very clear:
that in every house, just as we have a dining room, a kitchen, a living room, a bathroom and bedrooms, there should be a meditation room.

And that inside that room we have our mat, our safu, where there is also a gong and that when we arrive from work or with a conflict, or upset, just like we have the habit of showering, we enter this room.

A space to be with us, a space to connect with inner peace, with the intention of revitalising ourselves and then entering into a relationship with the family.

I don’t know if it has happened to you to have a traffic problem, an upset, an argument at work or with a friend and arriving home a little “crooked”… Your partner, your children or your family is waiting for you to arrive because they want to. tell you something and you are not there at all.

And then… BOOM! She gets involved.

Imagine if we got into the routine of arriving home, leaving things at the entrance and going straight to the meditation room and regenerating ourselves there…

Or also in the morning, before leaving for work. Even before going to sleep.

And you don’t need to meditate for a long time, sometimes just 5 or 11 minutes is more than enough.

mentor espiritual vikrampal

My proposal is that in addition to generating that physical space for meditation at home, little by little you also generate that space in your routine, in your LIFE.

May you continue working in your daily life with more healing frequencies and my support.

Join the “Frequencies That Heal” program and bring positive changes to your life.

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